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Request Additional Information about a venue.

If you are reading this, then you must need more information about a venue. Don’t worry, we are here to help you.

We try to provide and publish as much information about a venue as we can, most of these information might change over time or you may need additional information as was not published.

For these reasons we are providing this service.

For a fee we will send our Agents to inquire and collect any information you may need from an event venue.

Our agent will provide the information below or any other information you may have requested.

  1. Current Pictures/video of the venue
  2. Current Price
  3. Current Capacity
  4. Venue Manager’s contact details.
  5.  etc….. as per requested


NOTE: we DO NOT run a middleman business, we just fetch you the information you requested and get you the contact details of the venue owners for direct communication.

Reach out to us before you make payments to be sure an agent is on available for that location.


We will contact you via the phone number supplied on the payment page.

For more enquiries please call/WhatsApp

+234 8078755555

  • Event Professionals

    Get Event Planners, Makeup Artists, Ushers, DJs, Photographers, Decorators, Caterers, Bakers..etc on Skreels.

  • Need more info?

    Get more info on this venue or any other venue, we will have our agent go to the venue and get all the information you need, click the link below to see our offerings.


  • Schedule a Tour

    More Venue Info Request

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